Irrelevant- Relevance of Experience
With the breakneck competition for Talent, Employers are so much fascinated by the experience a person possess or carries.
How relevant is it? As employers claim they have a robust recruiting process. Recruiters evaluate / shortlist / screen / negotiate as per the experience. Is it justified to get compensation on the basis of work experience? Experience is just a number which will increase year on year.
Not undermining the importance of experience in a leadership position also. So, what is the framework to judge a person, skill, ability, and attitude, experience, education, behavior and communication?
As per the old adage, “No one is perfect “, then why do we select someone to do the job.
Rather than a person going a series of interviews, may set a parallel dummy projects, allocate certain
Responsibilities and then observe for couple of days. Don’t issue offer letter until satisfied. Offer a person based on ASK (Attitude, Skill and Knowledge).
The challenge is how you will get a person to come at premises, request to take a day off etc. etc. and spend time on dummy project. This simulation can be much used for newbies in the industry or people with no experience. For lateral entry, Biometrics and Cloud is the answer, as it provides services in Public, Private or Hybrid network.
So many times we feel that we carry certain amount of experience and eligible for promotion / hike etc.
We ought to earmark jobs according to experience and not the ability and not on attitude. Let me give you a real time example of my interview.
Background: There were 2 interviewers in the panel and both were trying to dissect my experience,
Which is bad? Interviewing is all about knowing what other person knows and not what he/she does not know. Was so bemused by their “insular approach” towards an interview. The interview was conducted at one of the leading organization (CMMI Level 5).
They were pointing to the baseless assumptions. The talk was not factual at all. The discussion was predominantly based on their assumptions.
Interviewer: How will you identify fake resumes?
Me: There is no algorithm to identify a fake resume, however there are many ways you may identify a fake resume by organization not listed on MCA( Ministry of Corporate affairs), asking the candidate to describe about the project and that will be based on more of gut feel or assumption and not on real facts.
Interviewer2: Well, I would not reject any candidate; I would allow all the candidates to be interviewed.
I thought, then why was the question asked to me in first place. I felt total disconnect between interviewer 1 and Interviewer 2.
Interviewer: Can you name 5 organizations where Java practice is there in Pune?
Me: Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah etc. (Well, listed more than 5 organizations)
Interviewer: Not satisfied, If you would ask me I would name many ?
Me: Okay! But the question was asked to me, to name any 5 organizations which I did.
I was sure that the interviewer was reading my eyes and he was preparing his feedback, (That the candidate has attitude).
The interviewers were keener on my number of experience and not on ability. There was not a single question thrown on how?
If one asks a “How” question in interview, it illustrates the problem solving techniques and approach toward a problem, whether one sees a problem as problem or a problem as an opportunity.
Rather, the panelist was keener on knowing what and when? “What” gave my solutions to the problems and “when” gave the time period. A question on “how” was not asked so that I would have explained in depth the strategies.
Interviewer 1 and interviewer 2: Explain end to end Recruitment
Me: Drew the complete end to end recruitment cycle.
Interviewer2: Where did you follow this process?
Me: XyZ company
Interviewer1: I see your achievements in your resume, when did you achieve this?
Me: I was conferred with so and so award in the year 2010 for achieving my KRA?
However felt having undergone interviewing skills programs couple of times, even the panelist should have undergone.
Interviews are not only about a certain number of experiences, but also about ASK (Attitude, Skill and knowledge).
Caveat: Absolutely no ambush is intended, the views and experiences unintentional.
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