Sunday, 22 September 2013

"Bridging Industry Academia Gap ?”

Rupee tumbling, an Onion price on hike, Political scene is uncertain, People to blame Global markets
the cause of economic downturn. Companies slashing  jobs.  Freshers waiting for their 2nd innings
of life to start i.e,  Getting a dream job. Job for a fresher has become an extreme challenge,
where as Companies say they do not find enough skilled labour in the market. Whom to blame ?

Companies creating “Centre of Excellence” ( COE) in colleges,building Labs etc, the idea is great, but the point is how many times do we go in the college and share the knowledge, upcoming technologies, do white papers, Real time projects etc. Every industry , every corporate, every company should make it a mandate, their
SMEs should visit campus atleast once or twice a month and address the crowd. There are various
Speakers who are actually doing it. We should leverage even the SMEs ,domain expertise people from 1 to 5 years’ experience range should go and  share their view, Real time project challenges, solutions to those etc.
Industry –Academia Gap is widening day by day, this cannot be reduced overnight. It is a process and
Will considerable amount of time. Many corporates have CSR as an vital function, We should not restrict
CSR to differently abled people, We should also leverage SME’s and Domain expertise regularly visiting
Colleges.  How many times does a Freshers are not even greeted by anyone from the company and asked to leave from the office gate ? More and more batches from colleges should be encouraged to visit the working environment, also can overview a corporate life by including “ Buddy Programs” etc., within the guidelines of the company.
I feel this will be an important step from corporates to reduce “Industry-Academia” gap considerably.

I feel Corporates should start institutes, colleges which will impart real time scenarios to students. Let them have a profit margin, atlest freshers will learn live scenarios, projects etc.

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