Monday, 16 December 2013

Recruitment- A Process to cope with Rejections

Recruitment- A Process to cope with Rejections
In today’s world the ratio of rejection over selection is increasing day by day. It is important for us to know how we should simultaneously handle selected and rejected prospects.
As, a matured and responsible individual of this society we should display the similar kind of kindness and courteousness to all the prospects who come to us (organization) irrespective of selection or rejection.
They should be treated like “How we want our self to be treated “, they should be treated like our other equally important customers.
Technology in this era has transformed our lives so much; it may land up acting as a catalyst in the process.
To begin with organizations may engage prospects in various stages by sending auto emails or even suggesting them areas of improvement. A Pragmatic approach has to be owned by organizations.
Example: There are 100 people applying for 5 positions, ultimately only 5 the best will be selected,
95 will walk out with dejection. Those 95 has to be handled with professionalism. If we are able to personalize every snippet then nothing like it. WOM (Word of Mouth) is the strongest tool to brand whether positively or negatively.
Let’s pre-empt and join our hands to educate the prospects who did not make it and show them the right way in achieving their goals.
Are you with me?

Thursday, 12 December 2013

A Lesson learnt on Recycling-BYOB / BYOC

A Lesson learnt on Recycling-BYOB / BYOC

My Singhad Trip- a Lesson learnt on Recycling
It was a Sunday lazy morning, 8th December 2013, for anyone it would be a day to relax and enjoy the programs on television. But as promised to my wife woke up and was ready for the trip by 9:30 am. The jaunt was full of fun moments to cherish for life time.
While returning from the Singhad fort, my wife sighted a place where fresh green vegetables were sold in abundance. Vendors claimed they are fresh and just brought from the farmers. We were enticed
To buy, which we did latter. During the process, Commoners were buying and negotiating hard with the vendors. Amazed to see commoners carrying bags made of clothes from their homes and not demanding plastic bags from the vendors. On the contrary, people from the urban are always seen asking for the Plastic bags from the shopkeepers, vendors etc. As they say “Most worthwhile things do involve some work”.
BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) is prevalent in many organizations. Why can’t we apply the same theory while buying vegetables, fruits etc. Can be termed as BYOB (Bring Your Own Bag) OR BOYC (Bring Your Own Container). Bring your own container in which to take the food home. Or, the store gave you a container which you had to give back later.
Let’s be little responsible and start right now avoiding polythene bags/ utensils/plates made of plastics. As, plastics take much longer time to decompose, which in result is harmful for the environment and our “Mother Earth”.
Better Late than never….Are you on board ?

Monday, 9 December 2013


Taking prospect to the water is " Recruiter's job", but the trending is you have to make the
prospect thirsty and one can do that by adding a bit of salt in his food.

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Do you know when to schedule your interview with Hiring Manager?

Do you know when to schedule your interview with Hiring Manager?

This is for all people who believes you have it in you but still unable to crack the interview. I am not telling you about grooming tips, communication tips or any other X factor which you help you succeed.
This article will be helpful for candidates appearing for interviews.

I have seen a pattern of not selecting someone or selecting a candidate during interview drives. Mind you, I am giving a generic view but this works on your psychology of the Hiring Manager.

Well, a thought triggered when I was back in Baroda (My hometown) last winter. People from Tibet come and make their set up to sell winter wears. Good and cost effective buys. Shops were in vertical fashion, one next to another. At times when you stand and see and ask for some jacket, the shopkeeper would politely say “Sir, not ours, you need to ask the other shopkeeper “. You can term it as open market or window shopping. You would see many people just coming trying winter wears and moving on to the next shop.

Huge number of people would pour into the premises and while they enter, they would just see clothes,
Jackets, accessories and move onto the next shop. Once they reach halfway they start negotiating and buying some clothes. Since, I had nothing to buy & was just accompanying my family, I observed this pattern very carefully that people actually just see clothes in first few shops and then while they are in the midway they start buying.
This triggered a thought, in Recruitment drives, when we start the interviews, while showcasing profiles,
Resumes to Hiring Manager will not select candidates in the first few interviews. He would start selecting candidates once he is in the halfway through. There are always exceptions.

It might happen that one visits for interview on a weekday, unknowing of the fact that people in Corporates are always found busy in the first half of the day. Chances of getting through are little less
In that case. I would suggest going in the second half of the day, where the HM is settled down in his work, one gets time for actual conversation. Does not mean, morning time is not a good time, however
That depends on circumstances. Example: If you are aware, that the project is a UK based, then the person might be available in the first half to have a real conversation, rather one sided conversation
Which might not be great in terms of a candidate? So, do a minimum check of project geography,
This will give you a fair idea about the time, when HM is available to have that real conversation.
Mind you,There are exceptions everywhere.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Bullish & Bearish : Recruitment

Bullish & Bearish: Recruitment
I am not pointing out the Rising and Falling of Stock prizes. People in HR / Recruitment may relate to what I am writing. Some pointers you may consider while Recruitment is Bullish or Bearish.
Firstly let me give you a holistic view on Bullish / Bearish: Recruitment. Bullish is means when the ample of opportunities to fill. Bearish means the slack time in Recruitment.
Bullish is the time when Recruiters are occupied with Sourcing, Interviewing, on boarding resources.
Bullish is the time when recruiter gets hands on. It’s the time when individual is recognized for efforts
Put in to hire resources. It’s the time where we do not have time to think about up skilling. It’s the time
Where people do not look for job changes, Recruiters are highly occupied with work, late hours,
Weekend drives, number pressure etc.

Bearish is the time when there are less opportunities to fill. It does not mean Organization is not doing well. Organization might go in reconciliation mode to review their headcount. It’s the time when Hiring Managers are in hibernation, relooking their strategies, re-evaluating their TOM ( Target Operating Model). This is the time to relook our strategies, aspirations, strengths, and weakness as an individual.
Individual gets time to relook on their performances. We may look at our style or identify our trend to close an opportunity.
Time to up skill in other areas, may be making use of other departments within HR.
I have learnt that no learning goes waste, hence revisiting management workshops which can be helpful in doing the job.
Bringing innovative ideas on the table that makes difference to the trend of hiring, or department. These things will act as a catalyst in meeting ambitions. Make use of other teams to cross skill and earn brownie points.
Trending is , making your own niche in the market. It’s like marketing yourself. Colgate is the brand which has ruled in Indian market. Colgate launched its campaign as a germ killer; it did not do as expected.
Colgate though through and re-launched its campaign as a Toothpaste which protects your teeth for 12 hours and the sales went up.
Bearish is not time to look for job changes, it’s an opportunity to up skill and reinvent ourselves.